Electricity Metering Solutions Get to know your distribution network

Take the first step to gaining unprecedented insights into your low-voltage distribution network and customer’s consumption with Itron’s smart meter solutions.

Improve grid operations, billing and customer engagement

Monitoring events that impact your low-voltage distribution network, from identifying inefficiencies to managing outages, is an evolving challenge. Itron's smart electricity meters meet your needs by generating accelerated sampling rates for meticulous detail and insights from previously unavailable data, while also serving as a voltage and frequency sensor, a radio (ERT) and an edge computer that runs apps. The result? A smarter, more effective network. 

  • Ensure fair and consistent billing improving customer satisfaction and your bottom line with unmatched accuracy.

  • Detect and manage technical and non-technical losses to improve your revenue.

  • Build for a smarter future and prevent vendor lock-in with Itron’s dynamic, interoperable technology.

Greater visibility, better control

Intelligent meters provide the critical data you need to better manage your network and operate more efficiently.

  • Intelligent

  • Industrial IoT

  • Application, Software,
and Services

  • Distributed

Unlocking the Future: How Meters Power Grid Modernization

Utilities face increasing challenges in managing distribution networks with the rise of electric vehicles and distributed energy resources (DERs). Discover how distributed intelligence-enabled meters are essential for improving visibility, control, DER integration, and operational efficiency.

The Role of Meters in Grid Modernization

As utilities need more visibility and flexibility throughout their distribution network, distributed intelligence-enabled meters are critical to grid modernization programs.

Case studies

  • Powering the Future with Distributed Intelligence

    Find out how modern smart metering technology can incentivize and produce collaboration between users and utilities to keep the grid balanced in a changing landscape.

    Read Case Study
  • Preparing for Tomorrow’s Energy Landscape

    Find out how DI stabilizes the grid in the face of near-term challenges and create new opportunities to develop advanced solution.

    Read Article
  • How Electric Vehicles are Shaping Tomorrow's Smart Grid

    Find out how Itron is actively contributing to is within the Smart Metering Innovation for Load flexibility (SMILY) field trial in the UK.

    Read Blog

With you every step

Intelligent meters are more than cash registers. They also collect and analyze performance and business data, while taking action on the grid edge to support advanced pricing structures, right-size transformers, discover theft and malfunctions, and enable customer engagement programs. 

Entdecken Sie verwandte Produkte und Dienstleistungen

  • Itron ACE SL7000 DTM

    Designed for low voltage transformer connection, ACE SL7000 DTM meters offer a scalable architecture that allows them to be installed on existing and new electricity distribution network.

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  • EM620 C&I Electricity Meter

    Building block to a smarter energy grid, EM620 meter facilitates the transition to smart energy with flexibility, security, and evolution capacities.

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  • Distributed Intelligence Applications

    Illuminate the least-visible part of the grid and better manage your distribution network by combining AMI Operations (OO) with distributed intelligence to amplify your value and enable true interoperability and network visibility.

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  • Operations Optimizer

    Enhance operational efficiency and deliver the functional capabilities needed to more efficiently manage and operate your AMI system at scale.

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  • IEE Meter Data Management

    A meter data management system (MDMS) for smart utilities and cities around the globe with an enterprise-wide, highly-scalable MDMS architecture. 

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  • Explore All Electricity Products

    Discover our offering in smart electricity solutions.

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