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Access Point (AP)
Licznik przemysłowy
ACE SL7000
Liczniki przemysłowe
ACE Sparkline
Moduły komunikacyjne
Advanced Metering Manager (AMM)
Android Communication Drivers
Android NFC Field Tool
Android RFCT
AnyQuest Cyble Enhanced
AnyQuest EverBlu Pulse Enhanced
AnyQuest / EverBlu
Aquadis+ C&I DN≥25
Wodomierz objętościowy DN25-DN40 klasy C
Aquadis+ DN15
Wodomierz objętościowy DN15-DN20 klasy C
Aquadis+ DN20
Rotary piston volumetric type water meter DN20
Aquadis+ Hot Water
Rotary piston volumetric type hot water meter, DN 15-20, Q3 2,5m3/h
Aquadis+ PE Divisional DN15
Wodomierz mieszkaniowy DN15 klasy C
Ultradźwiękowy przetornik przepływu do ciepłomierzy DN65-DN150
Bluetooth RF Master
Radio Bluetooth Master Unit for Mobile Meter Reading
Test bench for domestic water meters in assembly lines of meters applications or with high productivity environments
BPG Bell Prover
Gas Bell Prover Test Bench
Bridge Configurator
CF 51
Przelicznik wskazujący do ciepłomierza
CF 55
Przelicznik wskazujący do ciepłomierza
CF 800
High Accuracy Heat & Cooling Calculator For Billing Applications
CF Echo II
New Ultrasonic Compact Heat Meter
CF UltraMax
Wielofunkcyjny ciepłomierz ultradźwiękowy DN15 (wersja "3 w 1"), DN20
CF UltraMaxx MK
Ultrasonic capsule thermal energy meter
Cisco Connected Grid Router
Cisco IoT Field Network Director
(formerly Cisco Network Management System)
Communications Module Utility (CMU)
ChoiceConnect Network Solution
Critical Operations Protector (COP) for AMI
Critical Operations Protector for DR
Cyble 5
Moduł radiowy do szybkich odczytów w standardzie LoRaWAN / Sigfox/OMSv4 (IoT)
Cyble Dock
Cyble G3
Customized product
Cyble LRFv2
Cyble M-Bus
Moduł komputerowej transmisji danych
Cyble Sensor
Moduł impulsowy
Cyble Sensor ATEX
Moduły komunikacyjne - Przewodowe
Data Transfer Agent
Disjoncteurs de branchement bipolaire et tetrapolaire
Distributed Energy Resource Optimizer (DER Optimizer)
Distributed Intelligence Applications
Distribution Transformer Awareness
Eclipse Enterprise Edition (3E)
Sytstem Inteligentnego zarądzania płatnościami
Edge Gateway
Electric Vehicle Charging Optimizer EVCO
Electronic three-phase meter eHZ-B
Modern measuring device for direct connection
EM620 C&I Electricity Meter
Energy Forecasting Group
Long-term end-use forecasting
EquaScan eHCA
Electronic heat cost allocator
EquaScan FNet
EquaScan Fixed Network
EquaScan h-Koax RF
EquaScan hMIU RF
Moduł komunikacyjny do ciepłomierza CF UltraMax
EquaScan Inductive Head
EquaScan iSD RF
EquaScan intelligent Smoke Detector RF
EquaScan Master RF
Systemy zdalnego odczytu
EquaScan pMIU RF
EquaScan pulse Meter Interface Unit RF
EquaScan Software
Application software for the EquaScan system
EquaScan wMIU RF
Moduł komunikacyjny do wodomierzy mieszkaniowych Aquadis+PE i Unimag+PE
EverBlu Cyble Enhanced
Moduły komunikacyjne - Bezprzewodowe
EverBlu deployment
FDM Tools
Field Service Unit (FSU)
Filters For All District Heating Network Needs
Firmware Upgrader FWU
Wodomierz jednostrumieniowy DN15-DN20 "klasy C"
Flodis C&I
Wodomierz jednostrumieniowy DN25-DN32 "klasy C"
Flostar M
Wodomierz jednostrumieniowy DN40-DN150 klasy C
Flostar S
Single Jet Turbine Type Water Meter
Flow straighteners
Prostownica strumienia
Gallus sV G
Inteligentne opomiarowanie domowe
Gen5 500W ERT Module
Global Managed Services
GM Transfer Prover
Gas Transfer Prover Test Bench
Gridscape Configuration Server
GridScape Network Manager
HAN Test Kit
Honeywell Handhelds
Installer Portal
Intelis C&I water ISO
Ultrasonic Water Meter
Intelis FGBB03 DB SMETS2 Double Band
Smart Gas Meter
Intelis FGBB03 SMETS2 Single Band
Smart Gas Meter
Intelis gFlex
Intelis wSource LoRa
Next generation Static water meter
IoT Frame Transcoder
Itron Cloud Managed Services
Itron Enterprise Edition (IEE) Meter Data Management (MDM)
Itron Enterprise Edition (IEE) Meter Data Unification and Synchronization (MDUS)
Itron Intelligent Edge Operating System
Itron Prepayment Management Platform (IPMP)
Itron Security Manager
Karta M-Bus
Karta do przeliczników CF51/CF55
Software for automatic meter reading by M-Bus
Meter Program Configurator (MPC)
MetrixIDR Retail
Customer Portfolio And Delivery Point Forecasting
MetrixIDR System Operations
Automated Short-Term Load Forecasting
Flexible Modeling Tool
Milli 5
Moduł PEm Impulsowy
do wodomierzy Unimag+PE i Aquadis+PE
Moduł PEm M-Bus
do wodomierzy Unimag+PE i Aquadis+PE
MV-90 xi
Network Center
Network Interface Card (NIC)
OpenWay Collection Manager
Operations Optimizer
Outage Detection System (ODS)
Pipe Asset Management
Retroset Pay
Shut-off Smart Payment Set
Revenue Assurance
RF Master 5
wMbus HW tool for Reading and configuration of Itron devices
Sieciowe systemy odczytowe
SELC 4-Pin External Networked Lighting Controller
SELC 5/7-Pin External Networked Lighting Controller
SELC Internal Networked Lighting Controller
Itron Offers Temperature Sensors For All Needs
Smart Pressure Management
Automatic Pressure Optimisation Solution
Multi-Energy Data Logger
Straighteners For All District Heating Network Needs
Strainers (Filters) For Water Meters
Streetlight.Vision (SLV)
Streetlight MicroAP
Street Light NIC
Supplemental Services
Support Services
System MK
Single Jet Turbine Water Meter
System V
Inline Single Jet Water Meters For Special Applications
Telecommande centralisee pour les distributeurs
Telecommande centralisee pour les industriels
Temetra Analysis
Temetra Reader
Data Collection Software for Android Platform
Temetra web platform
SaaS Platform for Data Collection & Management
Test Benches
Test Racks and Components
TEST Product Polish_DisplayName
TEST Product Subtitle Polish_Subtitle
Wodomierz jednostrumieniowy DN15-DN20
Wodomierz mieszkaniowy DN15-DN20
US BR 473
Ultrasonic Flow Meter DN65 - DN80 - DN100
US Echo II
Ultradźwiękowy przetwornik przepływu do ciepłomierzy DN15-DN50
WaterMind Advanced Logger
Woltex M
Wodomierz śrubowy